Snack and Lunch
Mallusk Community Playgroup recognises the need to encourage healthy eating habits from an early age to help children reach their full potential in terms of growth and development
Snack(served between 9.20am—10.25am)
Snack that is provided is healthy and nutritious. There is no sweets or fizzy drinks offered at any time. Where possible snack is sugar free, to avoid causing damage to the child’s teeth. Snack will consist of a bread item or crackers and fresh fruit is offered each day along with milk and water. Water is available all day.
Snack will be properly prepared and meet the dietary, cultural and religious requirements of each child. Staff will sit with the children during snack time to promote social value of eating together. Snack time is staggered and children can come as and when they feel they want to have snack. Helper of the day will select the snack and this will be displayed at the kitchen area if you would like to see what your child will be having for snack. |
Lunch time is also a time to promote the social value of eating together. Each child should be supplied with a healthy lunch that is stored in a lunch box, labelled with the child’s name. Sandwiches and yogurts and drinks etc will be stored in the refrigerator and should also be labelled with your child’s name. Playgroup cannot heat any food.
If you child has any allergies, please inform the playgroup leader as soon as possible. An Individual Care Plan will be drawn up to highlight any allergies. We would advise that no nuts or egg items be brought into the playgroup setting for lunch in case of any allergies. |